
Zip files

New in version 0.15.2.

To make it easier to distribute, you can zip up your Python code into a zip file. If you use UDFs, this will disable the automatic code reload, so this is a feature meant for distribution, not development. In practice, this means that when your code is inside a zip file, you’ll have to click on re-import to get any changes.

If you name your zip file like your Excel file (but with .zip extension) and place it in the same folder as your Excel workbook, xlwings will automatically find it (similar to how it works with a single python file).

If you want to use a different directory, make sure to add it to the PYTHONPATH in your config (Ribbon or config file):

PYTHONPATH, "C:\path\to\"


Changed in version 0.15.2.

You can use a freezer like PyInstaller, cx_Freeze, py2exe etc. to freeze your Python module into an executable so that the recipient doesn’t have to install a full Python distribution.


  • This does not work with UDFs.
  • Currently only available on Windows, but support for Mac should be easy to add.
  • You need at least 0.15.2 to support arguments whereas the syntax changed in 0.15.6

Use it as follows:

Sub MySample()
    RunFrozenPython "C:\path\to\dist\myproject\myproject.exe", "arg1 arg2"
End Sub

Embedded Code

This feature requires xlwings PRO.

xlwings PRO allows you to store your Python code directly in Excel so you don’t have to distribute separate Python files.

On a command line, run the following command which will import all Python files from the current directory and paste them into sheets with the same name of the currently active workbook:

$ xlwings code embed

Then, use the VBA function RunPython ("import mymodule;mymodule.myfunction()") as usual.

Note that you can have multiple Excel sheets and import them like normal Python files. Consider this example:


You can call this function from VBA like so:

Sub RandomNumbers()
    RunPython ("import random_numbers;random_numbers.main()")
End Sub


UDFs modules don’t have to be added to the UDF Modules explicitly when using embedded code. However, in contrast to how it works with external files, you currently need to re-import the functions when you change them.


While you can hide your sheets with your code, they will be written to a temporary directory in clear text.

One-Click Zero-Config Installer

This feature requires xlwings PRO.

With xlwings PRO you get access to a private GitHub repository that will build your custom installer in the cloud — no local installation required. Using a custom installer to deploy the Python runtime has the following advantages:

  • Zero Python knowledge required from end users
  • Zero configuration required by end users
  • No admin rights required
  • Works for both UDFs and RunPython
  • Works for external distribution
  • Easy to deploy updates

End User Instructions

  • Installing

    Give the end user your Excel workbook and the installer. The user only has to double-click the installer and confirm a few prompts — no configuation is required.

  • Updating

    If you use the embedded code feature (see: Embedded Code), you can deploy updates by simply giving the user a new Excel file. Only when you change a dependency, you will need to create a new installer.

  • Uninstalling

    The application can be uninstalled again via Window Settings > Apps & Features.

Build the Installer

Before you can build the installer, the project needs to be configured correctly, see below.

In the GitHub repo, go to x releases > Draft/Create a new release. Add a version like 1.0.0 to Tag version, then hit Publish release.

Wait a few minutes and refresh the page: the installer will appear under the release from where you can download it. You can follow the progress under the Actions tab.


Excel file

You can add your Excel file to the repository if you like but it’s not a requirement. Configure the Excel file as follows:

  • Add the standalone xlwings VBA module, e.g. via xlwings quickstart project --standalone
  • Make sure that in the VBA editor (Alt-F11) under Tools > References xlwings is unchecked
  • Rename the _xlwings.conf sheet into xlwings.conf
  • In the xlwings.conf sheet, as Interpreter, set the following value: %LOCALAPPDATA%\project while replacing project with the name of your project
  • If you like, you can hide the xlwings.conf sheet

Source code

Source code can either be embedded in the Excel file (see Embedded Code) or added to the src directory. The first option requires xlwings-pro in requirements.txt, the second option will also work with xlwings.


Add your dependencies to requirements.txt. For example:


Code signing (optional)

Using a code sign certificate will show a verified publisher in the installation prompt. Without it, it will show an unverified publisher.

  • Store your code sign certificate as sign_cert_file in the root of this repository (make sure your repo is private).
  • Go to Settings > Secrets and add the password as code_sign_password.

Project details

Update the following under .github/main.yml:


Python version

Set your Python version under .github/main.yml:

python-version: '3.7'
architecture: 'x64'

Deployment Key

This feature requires xlwings PRO.

If you have an xlwings PRO developer license, you can generate a deployment key. A deployment key allows you to send an xlwings PRO tool to an end user without them requiring a paid license. A deployment key is also perpetual, i.e. doesn’t expire like a developer license.

In return, a deployment key only works with the version of xlwings that was used to generate the deployment key. A developer can generate new deployment keys for new versions of xlwings as long as they have an active xlwings PRO subscription.


You need a paid developer license to generate a deployment key. A trial license won’t work.

To create a deployment key, run the following command:

xlwings license deploy

Then paste the generated key into the xlwings config as LICENSE_KEY. For deployment purposes, usuaully the best place to do that is on a sheet called xlwings.conf, but you can also use an xlwings.conf file in either the same folder or in the .xlwings folder within the user’s home folder. To use an environment variable, use XLWINGS_LICENSE_KEY. See also User Settings.