Python API

Top-level functions

xlwings.view(obj, sheet=None)

Opens a new workbook and displays an object on its first sheet by default. If you provide a sheet object, it will clear the sheet before displaying the object on the existing sheet.

  • obj (any type with built-in converter) – the object to display, e.g. numbers, strings, lists, numpy arrays, pandas dataframes
  • sheet (Sheet, default None) – Sheet object. If none provided, the first sheet of a new workbook is used.


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 4), columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
>>> xw.view(df)

New in version 0.7.1.

Object model


class xlwings.main.Apps(impl)

A collection of all app objects:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.apps
Apps([<Excel App 1668>, <Excel App 1644>])

Returns the active app.

New in version 0.9.0.


Creates a new App. The new App becomes the active one. Returns an App object.


Returns the number of apps.

New in version 0.9.0.


Provides the PIDs of the Excel instances that act as keys in the Apps collection.

New in version 0.13.0.


class xlwings.App(visible=None, spec=None, add_book=True, impl=None)

An app corresponds to an Excel instance. New Excel instances can be fired up like so:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> app1 = xw.App()
>>> app2 = xw.App()

An app object is a member of the apps collection:

>>> xw.apps
Apps([<Excel App 1668>, <Excel App 1644>])
>>> xw.apps[1668]  # get the available PIDs via xw.apps.keys()
<Excel App 1668>
<Excel App 1668>
  • visible (bool, default None) – Returns or sets a boolean value that determines whether the app is visible. The default leaves the state unchanged or sets visible=True if the object doesn’t exist yet.
  • spec (str, default None) –

    Mac-only, use the full path to the Excel application, e.g. /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Excel or /Applications/Microsoft Excel

    On Windows, if you want to change the version of Excel that xlwings talks to, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features and Repair the Office version that you want as default.


On Mac, while xlwings allows you to run multiple instances of Excel, it’s a feature that is not officially supported by Excel for Mac: Unlike on Windows, Excel will not ask you to open a read-only version of a file if it is already open in another instance. This means that you need to watch out yourself so that the same file is not being overwritten from different instances.


Activates the Excel app.

Parameters:steal_focus (bool, default False) – If True, make frontmost application and hand over focus from Python to Excel.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


A collection of all Book objects that are currently open.

New in version 0.9.0.


Calculates all open books.

New in version 0.3.6.


Returns or sets a calculation value that represents the calculation mode. Modes: 'manual', 'automatic', 'semiautomatic'


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> = 'manual'

Changed in version 0.9.0.


The default value is True. Set this property to False to suppress prompts and alert messages while code is running; when a message requires a response, Excel chooses the default response.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the Window handle (Windows-only).

New in version 0.9.0.


Forces the Excel app to quit by killing its process.

New in version 0.9.0.


Runs a Sub or Function in Excel VBA that are not part of a specific workbook but e.g. are part of an add-in.

Parameters:name (Name of Sub or Function with or without module name, e.g. 'Module1.MyMacro' or 'MyMacro') –


This VBA function:

Function MySum(x, y)
    MySum = x + y
End Function

can be accessed like this:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> app = xw.App()
>>> my_sum = app.macro('MySum')
>>> my_sum(1, 2)

See also: Book.macro()

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the PID of the app.

New in version 0.9.0.


Quits the application without saving any workbooks.

New in version 0.3.3.

range(cell1, cell2=None)

Range object from the active sheet of the active book, see Range().

New in version 0.9.0.


Turn screen updating off to speed up your script. You won’t be able to see what the script is doing, but it will run faster. Remember to set the screen_updating property back to True when your script ends.

New in version 0.3.3.


Returns the selected cells as Range.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the path to XLSTART which is where the xlwings add-in gets copied to by doing xlwings addin install.

New in version 0.19.4.


Gets or sets the value of the status bar. Returns False if Excel has control of it.

New in version 0.20.0.


Returns the Excel version number object.


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.App().version
>>> xw.apps[10559].version.major

Changed in version 0.9.0.


Gets or sets the visibility of Excel to True or False.

New in version 0.3.3.


class xlwings.main.Books(impl)

A collection of all book objects:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.books  # active app
Books([<Book [Book1]>, <Book [Book2]>])
>>> xw.apps[10559].books  # specific app, get the PIDs via xw.apps.keys()
Books([<Book [Book1]>, <Book [Book2]>])

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the active Book.


Creates a new Book. The new Book becomes the active Book. Returns a Book object.

open(fullname, update_links=None, read_only=None, format=None, password=None, write_res_password=None, ignore_read_only_recommended=None, origin=None, delimiter=None, editable=None, notify=None, converter=None, add_to_mru=None, local=None, corrupt_load=None)

Opens a Book if it is not open yet and returns it. If it is already open, it doesn’t raise an exception but simply returns the Book object.

  • fullname (str or path-like object) – filename or fully qualified filename, e.g. r'C:\path\to\file.xlsx' or 'file.xlsm'. Without a full path, it looks for the file in the current working directory.
  • Parameters (Other) – see: xlwings.Book()


Return type:

Book that has been opened.


class xlwings.Book(fullname=None, update_links=None, read_only=None, format=None, password=None, write_res_password=None, ignore_read_only_recommended=None, origin=None, delimiter=None, editable=None, notify=None, converter=None, add_to_mru=None, local=None, corrupt_load=None, impl=None)

A book object is a member of the books collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.books[0]
<Book [Book1]>

The easiest way to connect to a book is offered by xw.Book: it looks for the book in all app instances and returns an error, should the same book be open in multiple instances. To connect to a book in the active app instance, use xw.books and to refer to a specific app, use:

>>> app = xw.App()  # or something like xw.apps[10559] for existing apps, get the PIDs via xw.apps.keys()
>>> app.books['Book1']
  xw.Book xw.books
New book xw.Book() xw.books.add()
Unsaved book xw.Book('Book1') xw.books['Book1']
Book by (full)name xw.Book(r'C:/path/to/file.xlsx')'C:/path/to/file.xlsx')
  • fullname (str or path-like object, default None) – Full path or name (incl. xlsx, xlsm etc.) of existing workbook or name of an unsaved workbook. Without a full path, it looks for the file in the current working directory.
  • update_links (bool, default None) – If this argument is omitted, the user is prompted to specify how links will be updated
  • read_only (bool, default False) – True to open workbook in read-only mode
  • format (str) – If opening a text file, this specifies the delimiter character
  • password (str) – Password to open a protected workbook
  • write_res_password (str) – Password to write to a write-reserved workbook
  • ignore_read_only_recommended (bool, default False) – Set to True to mute the read-only recommended message
  • origin (int) – For text files only. Specifies where it originated. Use XlPlatform constants.
  • delimiter (str) – If format argument is 6, this specifies the delimiter.
  • editable (bool, default False) – This option is only for legacy Microsoft Excel 4.0 addins.
  • notify (bool, default False) – Notify the user when a file becomes available If the file cannot be opened in read/write mode.
  • converter (int) – The index of the first file converter to try when opening the file.
  • add_to_mru (bool, default False) – Add this workbook to the list of recently added workbooks.
  • local (bool, default False) – If True, saves files against the language of Excel, otherwise against the language of VBA. Not supported on macOS.
  • corrupt_load (int, default xlNormalLoad) – Can be one of xlNormalLoad, xlRepairFile or xlExtractData. Not supported on macOS.

Activates the book.

Parameters:steal_focus (bool, default False) – If True, make frontmost window and hand over focus from Python to Excel.

Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns an app object that represents the creator of the book.

New in version 0.9.0.

classmethod caller()

References the calling book when the Python function is called from Excel via RunPython. Pack it into the function being called from Excel, e.g.:

import xlwings as xw

 def my_macro():
    wb = xw.Book.caller()
    wb.sheets[0].range('A1').value = 1

To be able to easily invoke such code from Python for debugging, use xw.Book.set_mock_caller().

New in version 0.3.0.


Closes the book without saving it.

New in version 0.1.1.


Returns the name of the object, including its path on disk, as a string. Read-only String.


Runs a Sub or Function in Excel VBA.

Parameters:name (Name of Sub or Function with or without module name, e.g. 'Module1.MyMacro' or 'MyMacro') –


This VBA function:

Function MySum(x, y)
    MySum = x + y
End Function

can be accessed like this:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb =
>>> my_sum = wb.macro('MySum')
>>> my_sum(1, 2)

See also: App.macro()

New in version 0.7.1.


Returns the name of the book as str.


Returns a names collection that represents all the names in the specified book (including all sheet-specific names).

Changed in version 0.9.0.


Saves the Workbook. If a path is being provided, this works like SaveAs() in Excel. If no path is specified and if the file hasn’t been saved previously, it’s being saved in the current working directory with the current filename. Existing files are overwritten without prompting.

Parameters:path (str or path-like object, default None) – Full path to the workbook


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()

New in version 0.3.1.


Returns the selected cells as Range.

New in version 0.9.0.


Sets the Excel file which is used to mock xw.Book.caller() when the code is called from Python and not from Excel via RunPython.


# This code runs unchanged from Excel via RunPython and from Python directly
import os
import xlwings as xw

def my_macro():
    sht = xw.Book.caller().sheets[0]
    sht.range('A1').value = 'Hello xlwings!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

New in version 0.3.1.


Returns a sheets collection that represents all the sheets in the book.

New in version 0.9.0.

to_pdf(path=None, include=None, exclude=None)

Exports the whole Excel workbook or a subset of the sheets to a PDF file. If you want to print hidden sheets, you will need to list them explicitely under include.

  • path (str or path-like object, default None) – Path to the PDF file, defaults to the same name as the workbook, in the same directory. For unsaved workbooks, it defaults to the current working directory instead.
  • include (int or str or list, default None) – Which sheets to include: provide a selection of sheets in the form of sheet indices (1-based like in Excel) or sheet names. Can be an int/str for a single sheet or a list of int/str for multiple sheets.
  • exclude (int or str or list, default None) – Which sheets to exclude: provide a selection of sheets in the form of sheet indices (1-based like in Excel) or sheet names. Can be an int/str for a single sheet or a list of int/str for multiple sheets.


>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> wb.sheets[0]['A1'].value = 'PDF'
>>> wb.to_pdf()

New in version 0.21.1.


class xlwings.main.Sheets(impl)

A collection of all sheet objects:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.sheets  # active book
Sheets([<Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>, <Sheet [Book1]Sheet2>])
>>> xw.Book('Book1').sheets  # specific book
Sheets([<Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>, <Sheet [Book1]Sheet2>])

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the active Sheet.

add(name=None, before=None, after=None)

Creates a new Sheet and makes it the active sheet.

  • name (str, default None) – Name of the new sheet. If None, will default to Excel’s default name.
  • before (Sheet, default None) – An object that specifies the sheet before which the new sheet is added.
  • after (Sheet, default None) – An object that specifies the sheet after which the new sheet is added.


class xlwings.Sheet(sheet=None, impl=None)

A sheet object is a member of the sheets collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> wb.sheets[0]
<Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>
>>> wb.sheets['Sheet1']
<Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>
>>> wb.sheets.add()
<Sheet [Book1]Sheet2>

Changed in version 0.9.0.


Activates the Sheet and returns it.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Autofits the width of either columns, rows or both on a whole Sheet.

Parameters:axis (string, default None) –
  • To autofit rows, use one of the following: rows or r
  • To autofit columns, use one of the following: columns or c
  • To autofit rows and columns, provide no arguments


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> wb.sheets['Sheet1'].autofit('c')
>>> wb.sheets['Sheet1'].autofit('r')
>>> wb.sheets['Sheet1'].autofit()

New in version 0.2.3.


Returns the Book of the specified Sheet. Read-only.


Returns a Range object that represents all the cells on the Sheet (not just the cells that are currently in use).

New in version 0.9.0.


See Charts

New in version 0.9.0.


Clears the content and formatting of the whole sheet.


Clears the content of the whole sheet but leaves the formatting.


Deletes the Sheet.


Returns the index of the Sheet (1-based as in Excel).


Gets or sets the name of the Sheet.


Returns a names collection that represents all the sheet-specific names (names defined with the “SheetName!” prefix).

New in version 0.9.0.


See Pictures

New in version 0.9.0.

range(cell1, cell2=None)

Returns a Range object from the active sheet of the active book, see Range().

New in version 0.9.0.


Selects the Sheet. Select only works on the active book.

New in version 0.9.0.


See Shapes

New in version 0.9.0.


See Tables

New in version 0.21.0.


Used Range of Sheet.

Return type:xw.Range

New in version 0.13.0.


Gets or sets the visibility of the Sheet (bool).

New in version 0.21.1.


class xlwings.Range(cell1=None, cell2=None, **options)

Returns a Range object that represents a cell or a range of cells.

  • cell1 (str or tuple or Range) – Name of the range in the upper-left corner in A1 notation or as index-tuple or as name or as xw.Range object. It can also specify a range using the range operator (a colon), .e.g. ‘A1:B2’
  • cell2 (str or tuple or Range, default None) – Name of the range in the lower-right corner in A1 notation or as index-tuple or as name or as xw.Range object.


Active Sheet:

import xlwings as xw
xw.Range((1,1), (3,3))
xw.Range(xw.Range('A1'), xw.Range('B2'))

Specific Sheet:


Adds a hyperlink to the specified Range (single Cell)

  • address (str) – The address of the hyperlink.
  • text_to_display (str, default None) – The text to be displayed for the hyperlink. Defaults to the hyperlink address.
  • screen_tip (str, default None) – The screen tip to be displayed when the mouse pointer is paused over the hyperlink. Default is set to ‘<address> - Click once to follow. Click and hold to select this cell.’

New in version 0.3.0.


Returns a string value that represents the range reference. Use get_address() to be able to provide paramaters.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Autofits the width and height of all cells in the range.

  • To autofit only the width of the columns use xw.Range('A1:B2').columns.autofit()
  • To autofit only the height of the rows use xw.Range('A1:B2').rows.autofit()

Changed in version 0.9.0.


Clears the content and the formatting of a Range.


Clears the content of a Range but leaves the formatting.


Gets and sets the background color of the specified Range.

To set the color, either use an RGB tuple (0, 0, 0) or a color constant. To remove the background, set the color to None, see Examples.

Return type:tuple


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> xw.Range('A1').color = (255,255,255)
>>> xw.Range('A2').color
(255, 255, 255)
>>> xw.Range('A2').color = None
>>> xw.Range('A2').color is None

New in version 0.3.0.


Returns the number of the first column in the in the specified range. Read-only.

Return type:Integer

New in version 0.3.5.


Gets or sets the width, in characters, of a Range. One unit of column width is equal to the width of one character in the Normal style. For proportional fonts, the width of the character 0 (zero) is used.

If all columns in the Range have the same width, returns the width. If columns in the Range have different widths, returns None.

column_width must be in the range: 0 <= column_width <= 255

Note: If the Range is outside the used range of the Worksheet, and columns in the Range have different widths, returns the width of the first column.

Return type:float

New in version 0.4.0.


Returns a RangeColumns object that represents the columns in the specified range.

New in version 0.9.0.


Copy a range to a destination range or clipboard.

Parameters:destination (xlwings.Range) – xlwings Range to which the specified range will be copied. If omitted, the range is copied to the Clipboard.
Return type:None

Returns the number of cells.


This property returns a Range object representing a range bounded by (but not including) any combination of blank rows and blank columns or the edges of the worksheet. It corresponds to Ctrl-* on Windows and Shift-Ctrl-Space on Mac.

Return type:Range object

Deletes a cell or range of cells.

Parameters:shift (str, default None) – Use left or up. If omitted, Excel decides based on the shape of the range.
Return type:None

Returns a Range object that represents the cell at the end of the region that contains the source range. Equivalent to pressing Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+down, Ctrl+left, or Ctrl+right.

Parameters:direction (One of 'up', 'down', 'right', 'left') –


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> xw.Range('A1:B2').value = 1
>>> xw.Range('A1').end('down')
<Range [Book1]Sheet1!$A$2>
>>> xw.Range('B2').end('right')
<Range [Book1]Sheet1!$B$2>

New in version 0.9.0.


Expands the range according to the mode provided. Ignores empty top-left cells (unlike Range.end()).

Parameters:mode (str, default 'table') – One of 'table' (=down and right), 'down', 'right'.
Return type:Range


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> xw.Range('A1').value = [[None, 1], [2, 3]]
>>> xw.Range('A1').expand().address
>>> xw.Range('A1').expand('right').address

New in version 0.9.0.


Gets or sets the formula for the given Range.


Gets or sets the formula2 for the given Range.


Gets or sets an array formula for the given Range.

New in version 0.7.1.

get_address(row_absolute=True, column_absolute=True, include_sheetname=False, external=False)

Returns the address of the range in the specified format. address can be used instead if none of the defaults need to be changed.

  • row_absolute (bool, default True) – Set to True to return the row part of the reference as an absolute reference.
  • column_absolute (bool, default True) – Set to True to return the column part of the reference as an absolute reference.
  • include_sheetname (bool, default False) – Set to True to include the Sheet name in the address. Ignored if external=True.
  • external (bool, default False) – Set to True to return an external reference with workbook and worksheet name.

Return type:



>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> xw.Range((1,1)).get_address()
>>> xw.Range((1,1)).get_address(False, False)
>>> xw.Range((1,1), (3,3)).get_address(True, False, True)
>>> xw.Range((1,1), (3,3)).get_address(True, False, external=True)

New in version 0.2.3.


Are we part of an Array formula?


Returns the height, in points, of a Range. Read-only.

Return type:float

New in version 0.4.0.

Returns the hyperlink address of the specified Range (single Cell only)


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> xw.Range('A1').value
>>> xw.Range('A1').hyperlink

New in version 0.3.0.

insert(shift=None, copy_origin='format_from_left_or_above')

Insert a cell or range of cells into the sheet.

  • shift (str, default None) – Use right or down. If omitted, Excel decides based on the shape of the range.
  • copy_origin (str, default format_from_left_or_above) – Use format_from_left_or_above or format_from_right_or_below. Note that this is not supported on macOS.

Return type:



Returns the bottom right cell of the specified range. Read-only.

Return type:Range


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> rng = xw.Range('A1:E4')
>>> rng.last_cell.row, rng.last_cell.column
(4, 5)

New in version 0.3.5.


Returns the distance, in points, from the left edge of column A to the left edge of the range. Read-only.

Return type:float

New in version 0.6.0.


Creates a merged cell from the specified Range object.

Parameters:across (bool, default False) – True to merge cells in each row of the specified Range as separate merged cells.

Returns a Range object that represents the merged Range containing the specified cell. If the specified cell isn’t in a merged range, this property returns the specified cell.


Returns True if the Range contains merged cells, otherwise False


Sets or gets the name of a Range.

New in version 0.4.0.


Gets and sets the number_format of a Range.


>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> wb = xw.Book()
>>> xw.Range('A1').number_format
>>> xw.Range('A1:C3').number_format = '0.00%'
>>> xw.Range('A1:C3').number_format

New in version 0.2.3.

offset(row_offset=0, column_offset=0)

Returns a Range object that represents a Range that’s offset from the specified range.

Returns:Range object
Return type:Range

New in version 0.3.0.

options(convert=None, **options)

Allows you to set a converter and their options. Converters define how Excel Ranges and their values are being converted both during reading and writing operations. If no explicit converter is specified, the base converter is being applied, see Converters and Options.


convert (object, default None) – A converter, e.g. dict, np.array, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, defaults to default converter

Keyword Arguments:
  • ndim (int, default None) – number of dimensions
  • numbers (type, default None) – type of numbers, e.g. int
  • dates (type, default None) – e.g. defaults to datetime.datetime
  • empty (object, default None) – transformation of empty cells
  • transpose (Boolean, default False) – transpose values
  • expand (str, default None) –

    One of 'table', 'down', 'right'

    => For converter-specific options, see Converters and Options.


Return type:

Range object

New in version 0.7.0.

paste(paste=None, operation=None, skip_blanks=False, transpose=False)

Pastes a range from the clipboard into the specified range.

  • paste (str, default None) – One of all_merging_conditional_formats, all, all_except_borders, all_using_source_theme, column_widths, comments, formats, formulas, formulas_and_number_formats, validation, values, values_and_number_formats.
  • operation (str, default None) – One of “add”, “divide”, “multiply”, “subtract”.
  • skip_blanks (bool, default False) – Set to True to skip over blank cells
  • transpose (bool, default False) – Set to True to transpose rows and columns.

Return type:



Gets and sets the values directly as delivered from/accepted by the engine that is being used (pywin32 or appscript) without going through any of xlwings’ data cleaning/converting. This can be helpful if speed is an issue but naturally will be engine specific, i.e. might remove the cross-platform compatibility.

resize(row_size=None, column_size=None)

Resizes the specified Range

  • row_size (int > 0) – The number of rows in the new range (if None, the number of rows in the range is unchanged).
  • column_size (int > 0) – The number of columns in the new range (if None, the number of columns in the range is unchanged).

Range object

Return type:


New in version 0.3.0.


Returns the number of the first row in the specified range. Read-only.

Return type:Integer

New in version 0.3.5.


Gets or sets the height, in points, of a Range. If all rows in the Range have the same height, returns the height. If rows in the Range have different heights, returns None.

row_height must be in the range: 0 <= row_height <= 409.5

Note: If the Range is outside the used range of the Worksheet, and rows in the Range have different heights, returns the height of the first row.

Return type:float

New in version 0.4.0.


Returns a RangeRows object that represents the rows in the specified range.

New in version 0.9.0.


Selects the range. Select only works on the active book.

New in version 0.9.0.


Tuple of Range dimensions.

New in version 0.3.0.


Returns the Sheet object to which the Range belongs.

New in version 0.9.0.


Number of elements in the Range.

New in version 0.3.0.


Returns a Table object if the range is part of one, otherwise None.

New in version 0.21.0.


Returns the distance, in points, from the top edge of row 1 to the top edge of the range. Read-only.

Return type:float

New in version 0.6.0.


Separates a merged area into individual cells.


Gets and sets the values for the given Range.

Return type:returned object depends on the converter being used, see xlwings.Range.options()

Returns the width, in points, of a Range. Read-only.

Return type:float

New in version 0.4.0.


class xlwings.RangeRows(rng)

Represents the rows of a range. Do not construct this class directly, use Range.rows instead.


import xlwings as xw

rng = xw.Range('A1:C4')

assert len(rng.rows) == 4  # or rng.rows.count

rng.rows[0].value = 'a'

assert rng.rows[2] == xw.Range('A3:C3')
assert rng.rows(2) == xw.Range('A2:C2')

for r in rng.rows:

Autofits the height of the rows.


Returns the number of rows.

New in version 0.9.0.


class xlwings.RangeColumns(rng)

Represents the columns of a range. Do not construct this class directly, use Range.columns instead.


import xlwings as xw

rng = xw.Range('A1:C4')

assert len(rng.columns) == 3  # or rng.columns.count

rng.columns[0].value = 'a'

assert rng.columns[2] == xw.Range('C1:C4')
assert rng.columns(2) == xw.Range('B1:B4')

for c in rng.columns:

Autofits the width of the columns.


Returns the number of columns.

New in version 0.9.0.


class xlwings.main.Shapes(impl)

A collection of all shape objects on the specified sheet:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0].shapes
Shapes([<Shape 'Oval 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>, <Shape 'Rectangle 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>])

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.


Returns the number of objects in the collection.


class xlwings.Shape(*args, **options)

The shape object is a member of the shapes collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>> sht.shapes[0]  # or sht.shapes['ShapeName']
<Shape 'Rectangle 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>

Changed in version 0.9.0.


Activates the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.19.2.


Deletes the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the height of the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the horizontal position of the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the name of the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns the parent of the shape.

New in version 0.9.0.

scale_height(factor, relative_to_original_size=False, scale='scale_from_top_left')
factor : float
For example 1.5 to scale it up to 150%
relative_to_original_size : bool, optional
If False, it scales relative to current height (default). For True must be a picture or OLE object.
scale : str, optional
One of scale_from_top_left (default), scale_from_bottom_right, scale_from_middle

New in version 0.19.2.

scale_width(factor, relative_to_original_size=False, scale='scale_from_top_left')
factor : float
For example 1.5 to scale it up to 150%
relative_to_original_size : bool, optional
If False, it scales relative to current width (default). For True must be a picture or OLE object.
scale : str, optional
One of scale_from_top_left (default), scale_from_bottom_right, scale_from_middle

New in version 0.19.2.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the vertical position of the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns the type of the shape.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the width of the shape.

New in version 0.5.0.


class xlwings.main.Charts(impl)

A collection of all chart objects on the specified sheet:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0].charts
Charts([<Chart 'Chart 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>, <Chart 'Chart 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>])

New in version 0.9.0.

add(left=0, top=0, width=355, height=211)

Creates a new chart on the specified sheet.

  • left (float, default 0) – left position in points
  • top (float, default 0) – top position in points
  • width (float, default 355) – width in points
  • height (float, default 211) – height in points

Return type:



>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.Book().sheets[0]
>>> sht.range('A1').value = [['Foo1', 'Foo2'], [1, 2]]
>>> chart = sht.charts.add()
>>> chart.set_source_data(sht.range('A1').expand())
>>> chart.chart_type = 'line'

Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.


Returns the number of objects in the collection.


class xlwings.Chart(name_or_index=None, impl=None)

The chart object is a member of the charts collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>> sht.charts[0]  # or sht.charts['ChartName']
<Chart 'Chart 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>

Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns and sets the chart type of the chart. The following chart types are available:

3d_area, 3d_area_stacked, 3d_area_stacked_100, 3d_bar_clustered, 3d_bar_stacked, 3d_bar_stacked_100, 3d_column, 3d_column_clustered, 3d_column_stacked, 3d_column_stacked_100, 3d_line, 3d_pie, 3d_pie_exploded, area, area_stacked, area_stacked_100, bar_clustered, bar_of_pie, bar_stacked, bar_stacked_100, bubble, bubble_3d_effect, column_clustered, column_stacked, column_stacked_100, combination, cone_bar_clustered, cone_bar_stacked, cone_bar_stacked_100, cone_col, cone_col_clustered, cone_col_stacked, cone_col_stacked_100, cylinder_bar_clustered, cylinder_bar_stacked, cylinder_bar_stacked_100, cylinder_col, cylinder_col_clustered, cylinder_col_stacked, cylinder_col_stacked_100, doughnut, doughnut_exploded, line, line_markers, line_markers_stacked, line_markers_stacked_100, line_stacked, line_stacked_100, pie, pie_exploded, pie_of_pie, pyramid_bar_clustered, pyramid_bar_stacked, pyramid_bar_stacked_100, pyramid_col, pyramid_col_clustered, pyramid_col_stacked, pyramid_col_stacked_100, radar, radar_filled, radar_markers, stock_hlc, stock_ohlc, stock_vhlc, stock_vohlc, surface, surface_top_view, surface_top_view_wireframe, surface_wireframe, xy_scatter, xy_scatter_lines, xy_scatter_lines_no_markers, xy_scatter_smooth, xy_scatter_smooth_no_markers

New in version 0.1.1.


Deletes the chart.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the height of the chart.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the horizontal position of the chart.


Returns or sets the name of the chart.


Returns the parent of the chart.

New in version 0.9.0.


Sets the source data range for the chart.

Parameters:source (Range) – Range object, e.g. xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0].range('A1')

Returns or sets the number of points that represent the vertical position of the chart.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the width of the chart.


class xlwings.main.Pictures(impl)

A collection of all picture objects on the specified sheet:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0].pictures
Pictures([<Picture 'Picture 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>, <Picture 'Picture 2' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>])

New in version 0.9.0.

add(image, link_to_file=False, save_with_document=True, left=0, top=0, width=None, height=None, name=None, update=False, scale=1)

Adds a picture to the specified sheet.

  • image (str or path-like object or matplotlib.figure.Figure) – Either a filepath or a Matplotlib figure object.
  • left (float, default 0) – Left position in points.
  • top (float, default 0) – Top position in points.
  • width (float, default None) – Width in points. If PIL/Pillow is installed, it defaults to the width of the picture. Otherwise it defaults to 100 points.
  • height (float, default None) – Height in points. If PIL/Pillow is installed, it defaults to the height of the picture. Otherwise it defaults to 100 points.
  • name (str, default None) – Excel picture name. Defaults to Excel standard name if not provided, e.g. ‘Picture 1’.
  • update (bool, default False) – Replace an existing picture with the same name. Requires name to be set.

Return type:



  1. Picture
>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.Book().sheets[0]
<Picture 'Picture 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>
  1. Matplotlib
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>>, name='MyPlot', update=True)
<Picture 'MyPlot' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>

Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.


Returns the number of objects in the collection.


class xlwings.Picture(impl=None)

The picture object is a member of the pictures collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>>[0]  # or sht.charts['PictureName']
<Picture 'Picture 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>

Changed in version 0.9.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Deletes the picture.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the height of the picture.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the horizontal position of the picture.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the name of the picture.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns the parent of the picture.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the vertical position of the picture.

New in version 0.5.0.


Replaces an existing picture with a new one, taking over the attributes of the existing picture.

Parameters:image (str or path-like object or matplotlib.figure.Figure) – Either a filepath or a Matplotlib figure object.

New in version 0.5.0.


Returns or sets the number of points that represent the width of the picture.

New in version 0.5.0.


class xlwings.main.Names(impl)

A collection of all name objects in the workbook:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>> sht.names
[<Name 'MyName': =Sheet1!$A$3>]

New in version 0.9.0.

add(name, refers_to)

Defines a new name for a range of cells.

  • name (str) – Specifies the text to use as the name. Names cannot include spaces and cannot be formatted as cell references.
  • refers_to (str) – Describes what the name refers to, in English, using A1-style notation.

Return type:


New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the number of objects in the collection.


class xlwings.Name(impl)

The name object is a member of the names collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>> sht.names[0]  # or sht.names['MyName']
<Name 'MyName': =Sheet1!$A$3>

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.

New in version 0.9.0.


Deletes the name.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns or sets the name of the name object.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns or sets the formula that the name is defined to refer to, in A1-style notation, beginning with an equal sign.

New in version 0.9.0.


Returns the Range object referred to by a Name object.

New in version 0.9.0.


class xlwings.main.Tables(impl)

A collection of all table objects on the specified sheet:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0].tables
Tables([<Table 'Table1' in <Sheet [Book11]Sheet1>>, <Table 'Table2' in <Sheet [Book11]Sheet1>>])

New in version 0.21.0.

add(source=None, name=None, source_type=None, link_source=None, has_headers=True, destination=None, table_style_name='TableStyleMedium2')

Creates a Table to the specified sheet.

  • source (xlwings range, default None) – An xlwings range object, representing the data source.
  • name (str, default None) – The name of the Table. By default, it uses the autogenerated name that is assigned by Excel.
  • source_type (str, default None) – This currently defaults to xlSrcRange, i.e. expects an xlwings range object. No other options are allowed at the moment.
  • link_source (bool, default None) – Currently not implemented as this is only in case source_type is xlSrcExternal.
  • has_headers (bool or str, default True) – Indicates whether the data being imported has column labels. Defaults to True. Possible values: True, FAlse, 'guess'
  • destination (xlwings range, default None) – Currently not implemented as this is used in case source_type is xlSrcExternal.
  • table_style_name (str, default 'TableStyleMedium2') – Possible strings: 'TableStyleLightN'' (where N is 1-21), 'TableStyleMediumN' (where N is 1-28), 'TableStyleDarkN' (where N is 1-11)

Return type:



>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sheet = xw.Book().sheets[0]
>>> sheet['A1'].value = [['a', 'b'], [1, 2]]
>>> table = sheet.tables.add(source=sheet['A1'].expand(), name='MyTable')
>>> table
<Table 'MyTable' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>


class xlwings.main.Table(*args, **options)

The table object is a member of the tables collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>> sht.tables[0]  # or sht.tables['TableName']
<Table 'Table 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>

Changed in version 0.21.0.


Returns the native object (pywin32 or appscript obj) of the engine being used.


Returns an xlwings range object that represents the range of values, excluding the header row


Returns or sets the display name for the specified Table object


Returns an xlwings range object that represents the range of the header row


Returns an xlwings range object representing the row where data is going to be inserted. This is only available for empty tables, otherwise it’ll return None


Returns or sets the name of the Table.


Returns the parent of the table.


Returns an xlwings range object of the table.


Turn the autofilter on or off by setting it to True or False (read/write boolean)


Show or hide the header (read/write)


Returns or sets if the Column Stripes table style is used for (read/write boolean)


Returns or sets if the first column is formatted (read/write boolean)


Returns or sets if the last column is displayed (read/write boolean)


Returns or sets if the Row Stripes table style is used (read/write boolean)


Gets or sets a boolean to show/hide the Total row.


Gets or sets the table style. See Tables.add for possible values.


Returns an xlwings range object representing the Total row


This method requires xlwings PRO

Updates the Excel table with the provided data. Currently restricted to DataFrames.

Parameters:data (pandas DataFrame) – Currently restricted to pandas DataFrames. Note that the DataFrame index is not sent to Excel. If you do want to include it, make sure to do df.reset_index().
Return type:Table


import pandas as pd
import xlwings as xw

sheet = xw.Book('Book1.xlsx').sheets[0]
table_name = 'mytable'

# Sample DataFrame
nrows, ncols = 3, 3
df = pd.DataFrame(data=nrows * [ncols * ['test']],
                  columns=['col ' + str(i) for i in range(ncols)])

# Insert a new table if it doesn't exist yet, otherwise update the existing one
if table_name in [ for table in sheet.tables]:
    mytable = sheet.tables.add(source=sheet['A1'], name=table_name).update(df)

UDF decorators

xlwings.func(category="xlwings", volatile=False, call_in_wizard=True)

Functions decorated with xlwings.func will be imported as Function to Excel when running “Import Python UDFs”.

category : int or str, default “xlwings”

1-14 represent built-in categories, for user-defined categories use strings

New in version 0.10.3.

volatile : bool, default False

Marks a user-defined function as volatile. A volatile function must be recalculated whenever calculation occurs in any cells on the worksheet. A nonvolatile function is recalculated only when the input variables change. This method has no effect if it’s not inside a user-defined function used to calculate a worksheet cell.

New in version 0.10.3.

call_in_wizard : bool, default True

Set to False to suppress the function call in the function wizard.

New in version 0.10.3.


Functions decorated with xlwings.sub will be imported as Sub (i.e. macro) to Excel when running “Import Python UDFs”.

xlwings.arg(arg, convert=None, **options)

Apply converters and options to arguments, see also Range.options().


Convert x into a 2-dimensional numpy array:

import xlwings as xw
import numpy as np

@xw.arg('x', np.array, ndim=2)
def add_one(x):
    return x + 1
xlwings.ret(convert=None, **options)

Apply converters and options to return values, see also Range.options().


  1. Suppress the index and header of a returned DataFrame:
import pandas as pd

@xw.ret(index=False, header=False)
def get_dataframe(n, m):
    return pd.DataFrame(np.arange(n * m).reshape((n, m)))
  1. Dynamic array:


If your version of Excel supports the new native dynamic arrays, then you don’t have to do anything special, and you shouldn’t use the expand decorator! To check if your version of Excel supports it, see if you have the =UNIQUE() formula available. Native dynamic arrays were introduced in Office 365 Insider Fast at the end of September 2018.

expand='table' turns the UDF into a dynamic array. Currently you must not use volatile functions as arguments of a dynamic array, e.g. you cannot use =TODAY() as part of a dynamic array. Also note that a dynamic array needs an empty row and column at the bottom and to the right and will overwrite existing data without warning.

Unlike standard Excel arrays, dynamic arrays are being used from a single cell like a standard function and auto-expand depending on the dimensions of the returned array:

import xlwings as xw
import numpy as np

def dynamic_array(n, m):
    return np.arange(n * m).reshape((n, m))

New in version 0.10.0.

Reports, output, book_settings=None, app=None, **data)

This feature requires xlwings PRO.

Writes the values of all key word arguments to the output file according to the template and the variables contained in there (Jinja variable syntax). Following variable types are supported:

strings, numbers, lists, simple dicts, NumPy arrays, Pandas DataFrames, PIL Image objects that have a filename and Matplotlib figures.

  • template (str) – Path to your Excel template, e.g. r'C:\Path\to\my_template.xlsx'
  • output (str) – Path to your Report, e.g. r'C:\Path\to\my_report.xlsx'
  • book_settings (dict, default None) – A dictionary of xlwings.Book parameters, for details see: xlwings.Book. For example: book_settings={'update_links': False}.
  • app (xlwings App, default None) – By passing in an xlwings App instance, you can control where your report runs and configure things like visible=False. For details see xlwings.App. By default, it creates the report in the currently active instance of Excel.
  • data (kwargs) – All key/value pairs that are used in the template.


Return type:

xlwings Book


In my_template.xlsx, put the following Jinja variables in two cells: {{ title }} and {{ df }}

>>> from import create_report
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1,2],[3,4]])
>>> wb = create_report('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx', title='MyTitle', df=df)

With many template variables it may be useful to collect the data first:

>>> data = dict(title='MyTitle', df=df)
>>> wb = create_report('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx', **data)

If you need to handle external links or a password, use it like so:

>>> wb = create_report('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx',
                       book_settings={'update_links': True, 'password': 'mypassword'},

You can control the Excel instance by passing in an xlwings App instance. For example, to run the report in a separate and hidden instance of Excel, do the following:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> from import create_report
>>> app = xw.App(visible=False)  # Separate and hidden Excel instance
>>> wb = create_report('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx', app=app, **data)
>>> app.quit()  # Close the wb and quit the Excel instance