
class Image(filename)

Use this class to provide images to either render_template().


filenamestr or pathlib.Path object

The file name or path

class Markdown(text, style=<MarkdownStyle> h1.font: .bold: True paragraph.blank_lines_after: 1 unordered_list.bullet_character: unordered_list.blank_lines_after: 1 strong.bold: True emphasis.italic: True)

Markdown objects can be assigned to a single cell or shape via myrange.value or myshape.text. They accept a string in Markdown format which will cause the text in the cell to be formatted accordingly. They can also be used in mysheet.render_template().


On macOS, formatting is currently not supported, but things like bullet points will still work.



The text in Markdown syntax

styleMarkdownStyle object, optional

The MarkdownStyle object defines how the text will be formatted.


>>> mysheet['A1'].value = Markdown("A text with *emphasis* and **strong** style.")
>>> myshape.text = Markdown("A text with *emphasis* and **strong** style.")

Added in version 0.23.0.

class MarkdownStyle

MarkdownStyle defines how Markdown objects are being rendered in Excel cells or shapes. Start by instantiating a MarkdownStyle object. Printing it will show you the current (default) style:

>>> style = MarkdownStyle()
>>> style
h1.font: .bold: True
h1.blank_lines_after: 1
paragraph.blank_lines_after: 1
unordered_list.bullet_character: •
unordered_list.blank_lines_after: 1
strong.bold: True
emphasis.italic: True

You can override the defaults, e.g., to make **strong** text red instead of bold, do this:

>>> style.strong.bold = False
>>> style.strong.color = (255, 0, 0)
>>> style.strong
strong.color: (255, 0, 0)

Added in version 0.23.0.



render_template(template, output, book_settings=None, app=None, **data)

This function requires xlwings PRO.

This is a convenience wrapper around mysheet.render_template

Writes the values of all key word arguments to the output file according to the template and the variables contained in there (Jinja variable syntax). Following variable types are supported:

strings, numbers, lists, simple dicts, NumPy arrays, Pandas DataFrames, pictures and Matplotlib/Plotly figures.


template: str or path-like

Path to your Excel template, e.g. r'C:\Path\to\my_template.xlsx'

output: str or path-like

Path to your Report, e.g. r'C:\Path\to\my_report.xlsx'

book_settings: dict, default None

A dict of xlwings.Book parameters, for details see: xlwings.Book. For example: book_settings={'update_links': False}.

app: xlwings App, default None

By passing in an xlwings App instance, you can control where your report runs and configure things like visible=False. For details see xlwings.App. By default, it creates the report in the currently active instance of Excel.

data: kwargs

All key/value pairs that are used in the template.


xlwings Book


In my_template.xlsx, put the following Jinja variables in two cells: {{ title }} and {{ df }}

>>> from xlwings.reports import render_template
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1,2],[3,4]])
>>> mybook = render_template('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx',
                             title='MyTitle', df=df)

With many template variables it may be useful to collect the data first:

>>> data = dict(title='MyTitle', df=df)
>>> mybook = render_template('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx', **data)

If you need to handle external links or a password, use it like so:

>>> mybook = render_template('my_template.xlsx', 'my_report.xlsx',
                             book_settings={'update_links': True,
                             'password': 'mypassword'}, **data)