
class Table(*args, **options)

The table object is a member of the tables collection:

>>> import xlwings as xw
>>> sht = xw.books['Book1'].sheets[0]
>>> sht.tables[0]  # or sht.tables['TableName']
<Table 'Table 1' in <Sheet [Book1]Sheet1>>

Added in version 0.21.0.

property api

返回正在使用的引擎的原生对象( pywin32appscript 对象)。

property data_body_range

Returns an xlwings range object that represents the range of values, excluding the header row

property display_name

Returns or sets the display name for the specified Table object

property header_row_range

Returns an xlwings range object that represents the range of the header row

property insert_row_range

Returns an xlwings range object representing the row where data is going to be inserted. This is only available for empty tables, otherwise it'll return None

property name

Returns or sets the name of the Table.

property parent

Returns the parent of the table.

property range

Returns an xlwings range object of the table.


Resize a Table by providing an xlwings range object

Added in version 0.24.4.

property show_autofilter

Turn the autofilter on or off by setting it to True or False (read/write boolean)

property show_headers

Show or hide the header (read/write)

property show_table_style_column_stripes

Returns or sets if the Column Stripes table style is used for (read/write boolean)

property show_table_style_first_column

Returns or sets if the first column is formatted (read/write boolean)

property show_table_style_last_column

Returns or sets if the last column is displayed (read/write boolean)

property show_table_style_row_stripes

Returns or sets if the Row Stripes table style is used (read/write boolean)

property show_totals

Gets or sets a boolean to show/hide the Total row.

property table_style

Gets or sets the table style. See Tables.add for possible values.

property totals_row_range

Returns an xlwings range object representing the Total row

update(data, index=True)

Updates the Excel table with the provided data. Currently restricted to DataFrames.

在 0.24.0 版本发生变更.


datapandas DataFrame

Currently restricted to pandas DataFrames.

indexbool类型, 缺省值为True

Whether or not the index of a pandas DataFrame should be written to the Excel table.




import pandas as pd
import xlwings as xw

sheet = xw.Book('Book1.xlsx').sheets[0]
table_name = 'mytable'

# Sample DataFrame
nrows, ncols = 3, 3
df = pd.DataFrame(data=nrows * [ncols * ['test']],
                  columns=['col ' + str(i) for i in range(ncols)])

# Hide the index, then insert a new table if it doesn't exist yet,
# otherwise update the existing one
df = df.set_index('col 0')
if table_name in [ for table in sheet.tables]:
    mytable = sheet.tables.add(source=sheet['A1'],