
object is a Range or Shape object.

class Characters(impl)

The characters object can be accessed as an attribute of the range or shape object.

  • mysheet['A1'].characters

  • mysheet.shapes[0].characters


On macOS, characters are currently not supported due to bugs/lack of support in AppleScript.

Added in version 0.23.0.

property api

使用しているエンジンのネイティブ オブジェクト(pywin32 オブジェクトまたは appscript オブジェクト)を返します。

Added in version 0.23.0.

property font

Returns or sets the text property of a characters object.

>>> sheet['A1'].characters[1:3].font.bold = True
>>> sheet['A1'].characters[1:3].font.bold

Added in version 0.23.0.

property text

Returns or sets the text property of a characters object.

>>> sheet['A1'].value = 'Python'
>>> sheet['A1'].characters[:3].text

Added in version 0.23.0.